Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Moment

Most calendars remind us what day it is, whose birthday it is, when so-and-so is going to come for a visit, when we are going to visit so-and-so. My calendar reminds me that the world is bigger than this moment; that right now waves are crashing against lonely islands, whales are swimming with their young, and people are sky diving...

(photo credits from top: Anna Bruen, Associated Press, jacobsco.com)

I have one of those picture a day wall calendars and it hangs just above my right shoulder when I'm at work, a little bit in front of me. If I turn my head just slightly, I see an amazing array of photos. This month's highlight is a golden-orange, whiskered monkey face that would have to try very hard to be any more majestically cute!

(photo credit: scienceblog.com/afrensis)
Red flanked Douc Langur AKA "golden-orange, whiskered monkey face"

The calendar on my wall features a new country each month and a different picture on each day. Looking at it reminds me that tomorrow is Wednesday and that each year is made up of months that are made up of days in which an unfathomable number of activities, thoughts, and emotions are expressed in an unfathomable number of moments. Sometimes I get consumed by what is going on in a single moment, but then I remember that moments pass and life continues, that in fact life is continuing all around the world even in the single moment that I feel consumed by; People are being born, dying, laughing, crying, taking their first step, walking home form school for the 52nd time this year - all in a moment. This reminds me of the power that a moment can hold and that we each have a choice as to how we live our moments. Imagine what would happen if every single person on the planet chose to experience happiness at the same time, just for a moment...

I acknowledge the taste of cheese here, but you know what? Sometimes truth is cheesy. YUM! Provolone!

1 comment:

  1. Love this. It's so easy to get caught up in our lives and forget what is going on. I need to get a calendar like yours. Sounds beautiful and thought provoking! I remember last year when I went to Mexico and was on the beach, I was in awe of the fact that all year round people are on the beach, that exact beach in fact, while I was home in Iowa possibly in snow.

    "Imagine what would happen if every single person on the planet chose to experience happiness at the same time, just for a moment...".
    I heart this. Put this on a t-shirt!
